Peace out, SURVIVAL MODE! It is now our mission to THRIVE!

As most of you know, my why of becoming a coach stems from a HUGE commitment to no longer live my life in survival mode, as that was a VERY familiar place for me to be. It showed up in every area of life, of course, but was most noticeable to me atwork, because I was constantly busy, and if I focused on business, I wouldn’t have to focus on ME... (but more on THAT another day).

At work, I'd always find myself doing whatever I could to make myself look good (and to avoid looking bad). Being good at work defined me. It was my sole source of validation, and that meant going above and beyond no matter what job I was doing.

So, I worked the longest, the hardest, gave the biggest discounts, worked for free, stayed up the latest, didn’t charge for revisions, made every deadline, blah, blah, blah …you get the picture.

As a result, I was known as a great worker. People could rely on me, because I was ALWAYS there to help, and I would work EXTRA hard to make sure I was well-liked, and the job was done, perfectly.

And of course I was reliable... I did all this work at the expense of my emotional, physical and financial health. I was constantly in and out of burnout and overwhelm, I had NO boundaries, I would continually bite off more than I could chew and not feel worthy enough to charge a rate that could sustain my livelihood.

As a result, no matter how the job went, I would ultimately fall hard into the wrath of my own self-loathing. Because, even if the job was a success, I’d failed myself on a personal level by letting things get so dire, and I'd sit and fester in the swamp of failure, which perpetuated my experience of essentially selling my soul to work, just to feel some type of love and validation.

SO, a very long story short, I know what it’s like to suffer at work. And as a result, I set out on a mission to obliterate the experience of survival mode from my life, and I am now committed to helping my clients overcome and transform this experience as well.

That's part of the reason why bringing back the Accountability Collective is so important to me. Women THRIVE in community, and being held and supported by a group of likeminded ladies who are deeply committed to themselves and their growth is EXACTLY where I want to be.

The Collective is a safe space, where women can bring what's stopping them to the table and know that they are being held and loved, as they do what it takes to break through these barriers and unlock the next level in their lives.

I would be honored if you'd join me next Tuesday, April 5th at 12PM ET / 5PM GMT on the very first call of the Collective! This kickoff call is FREE and you will get a sense of the community we are creating, and if you are interested in joining, you'll be able to for only $111/month.

I'm very excited to see you there!

Much love to you.

newsletterKat Burns