Stuck in the down? Here's how to love yourself through it.

Today on Instagram I shared a little note that I wrote to myself recently, when I was feeling a bit low and having trouble grounding myself in who I know myself to be.

We all have different parts of ourselves. And those parts go through cycles. There are times when we are on top of the world, and other times when, let’s face it, we feel like absolute crap.

The crap can sometimes stem from behaviors that uproot our sense of normalcy and control.

When we say yes when we really mean no. When we work so hard we burn ourselves out. When we suddenly "fall off the wagon" after a solid streak of behaviors that we deem as "good".

But, this destabilization is here as a reminder, and a lesson. What goes up, must come down, and the cycle repeats itself.

What’s important is how we choose to treat ourselves in these moments of the down. We can choose to sit and wallow in the suffering… (sometimes that can even oddly feel good). Or we can remind ourselves that we are in fact, human. Fallible, flawed, beautiful humans. And that where we are in the moment, is perfect.

I share this as a reminder to anyone who gets caught in the down.

That while it can feel like we are backtracking or like we're a failure, it is actually the perfect place, because it gives us the opportunity to incite change.

I made a decision the other day to push the launch date of my membership due to some unforeseen circumstances. My proverbial "plate" was already quite full with work and travel this month, and it felt like a lack of integrity to begin this beautiful opportunity when I was not fully able to give it my 100% attention.

And while making that decision was tough, I knew what would be tougher would be to try and push myself through something in order to try and "look good". So I decided to move the date. Because that is what I teach. That in order to serve, we must serve from a full cup.

I can assert that my note was inspired by this.

A reminder to have grace in the down, and to keep loving yourself through it until the next moment arises.

I’d love to hear how this resonates with you. How do you handle the down? If you'd like to share, please reach out.

See you next week.

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